Discover More, Search Less

Never miss a freelance JOB
You care about

Unlock endless opportunities with one click! Our aggregator compiles top freelance jobs, simplifying your search and maximizing potential earnings.

Track all freelance jobs from one place.

Commitment - Startech X Webflow Template

Create your job feeds in seconds

Quickly curate job feeds from Upwork,, Guru, and more. Simplify your freelance search today!

Marketing Icon - Startech X Webflow Template

Realtime jobs and notifications

Stay ahead with instant updates. Receive real-time job alerts and notifications.

Close more jobs, faster with simple AI

Win more gigs effortlessly. Our 'Generate Proposal' feature, powered by advanced GPT AI, crafts impeccable responses tailored to each job, enhancing your success rate

2.0 X
Faster jobs
Visibility on all jobs

Powerful features to help you find and win gigs

Maximize your freelance success. Our platform delivers real-time job alerts and AI-boosted proposal guidance, streamlining your search and enhancing gig wins.

Deal Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Feed filters

Find jobs that fit your skill sets quickly and across multiple platforms

Innovation - Startech X Webflow Template

AI responses

Write better proposals with our simple AI tools to help you close more jobs

Reporting Dashboard - Startech X Webflow Template

Track work history

Track job history for job owners and learn about their history and previous freelancer feedback.

Meeting Scheduling - Startech X Webflow Template

Understand averages

Our tool will help you understand what the history averages are and what's a good price

Invoice Generation - Startech X Webflow Template

Response templates

Build your response templates on the go to ease the process of applying

Advanced Deal Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template


Dashboards to help you build trends and understand work cycles.

Endless Feeds

Curated feeds from leading freelance platforms. We've seamlessly integrated job listings from sites like Upwork,, Guru, and more. No more juggling between tabs. Our unified feed ensures you have the best gigs at your fingertips, updated in real-time for optimal convenience.

Start Using The CRM Platform Of The Future - Startech X Webflow Template
Start Using The CRM Platform Of The Future - Startech X Webflow Template

Start finding the jobs of the future

Dive into tomorrow's freelance landscape today. With our aggregator, you're primed to tap into the future of job opportunities effortlessly.

Create your account today

Begin a new chapter in your freelance journey. By creating an account today, you unlock a world of streamlined job searches and real-time updates


Create your account

By creating your account, you take the first step towards unlocking a universe of curated opportunities. Simplify your journey with a personalized jobs/ gigs feed tailored to your professional aspirations.


Define Your Gig Portals

Tailor your job search to precision. By choosing your preferred job portals and fine-tuning your filters, you ensure that only the gigs that align with your skillset and interests reach your feed.


Find and Close More Jobs

Empowerment is at your fingertips. With a streamlined feed of top-tier gigs, you're not just finding jobs - you're discovering the perfect fits. And with our suite of tools, including AI-driven proposal assistance, you're poised to seal the deal on more of them.

Designed for all kind of freelancers

Built for every freelancer—whether writer, software engineer, designer, or marketer. Our platform optimizes your search, connecting you seamlessly to prime opportunities.

Start using the jobs platform of the future